Galveston, TX
In January, new Galveston Police Chief Vernon Hale asked the Kempner Park Neighborhood Association to provide him with a list of priorities. After group discussion, KPNA submitted the following:
1. Reinstating bicycle patrols
2. Speeding (along Seawall in general, 29th Street from Seawall to Avenue O as well as along Avenue O and Avenue P)
3. Police presence at monthly neighborhood meetings, providing data analytics on crime statistics
4. Drug dealing occurring at Kempner Park and Menard Park
5. Vagrants and homeless squatting at parks, particularly Kempner Park
Christmas Toy Drive
Thanks to all who provided toys for our inaugural collection. The donations went to Galveston's Salvation Army.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Another thanks to those who gave to the meal provided for Kempner Park resident Lois Rivaux and her foster kids.
Copyright 2010 Kempner Park Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.
Galveston, TX